
Renzi to the Regions: "Enough controversy and lies". Face to face on sanity and waste

The premier continues to defend the 2016 Stability Law, accusing the Regions of making controversy based on lies related to cuts to health care. At Palazzo Chigi the meeting between Renzi and the Presidents of the Regions has been on a war footing for days. But the list of waste and inefficiencies to work on is still very long.

Renzi to the Regions: "Enough controversy and lies". Face to face on sanity and waste

The Stability Law is “a bet on the future“: Matteo Renzi defends his maneuver for 2016 before the Regions. This afternoon, around 18 pm, a face-to-face meeting is scheduled between the premier, Sergio Chiamparino, and other Italian governors. The climate between the government and local authorities is quite tense. The prime minister optimistically claims his 25 measures for the relaunch of Italy, while the Regions attack the executive on cuts to health care.

“When people say that there are cuts in healthcare it seems unfair to me and I get angry. There are no cuts, we don't tell lies. The funds are there and we try to manage them. This is the message we will give to the Regions, let's not make polemics or demagoguery” are the words of the premier hurled at the Regions from the altar of the Fatherland on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day.

The object of discord is the funds for health care. Since 2010, the year in which the health funds disbursed by the State to the Italian Regions amounted to 117,2 billion euros, public allocations have decreased and will stop in 2016 at 111 billion euros. This is a drop of 5,3% which, taking inflation into account, rises to 11,6%. But broadening the time horizon of the comparison, the glass then seems half full. In 2000 public funding stopped at quota 71,2 billion euros. This means that in 2016, compared to 16 years ago, state funding for health care will be 18,8% higher.

The prime minister essentially asks the Regions to spend less, spending better, perhaps eliminating waste and applying standard costs in all public structures. But it is not only in healthcare that the waste of the Regions lurks. The former PD deputy Salvatore Vassallo made an analysis of the crazy spending of the Regions taking into consideration one of those considered more virtuous: Emilia Romagna. Even here there are hidden a series of "bureaucratic pathologies" useful only to produce waste of public money. Among these, a privileged place is occupied by investee companies, many of which are very expensive, but at the same time, of dubious utility, to put it mildly.

Some examples are almost hilarious. Like the recapitalization of the Casino de la Vallée in Saint Vincent which cost the Aosta Valley around 50 million euros: almost 400 euros each for each Valle d'Aosta. Confcommercio estimates that the inefficiencies of local authorities cost something like 82 billion euros.   
