
Renzi on the attack on migrants and austerity: no to the German-led EU

Prime Minister Renzi attacks the German line, without however appointing Chancellor Merkel, on austerity and migrants - The head of government complains about the infringement procedure against Italy on the registration of migrants and the lack of green light for the use of the Interbank fund for banks in crisis – The European asterity policy must be shelved

Renzi on the attack on migrants and austerity: no to the German-led EU

"There are a party and a leader who control Europe in an unacceptable way“. This is the lunge launched yesterday by Matteo Renzi in the pre-summit of the PES on the eve of the European Council. The reference of the Prime Minister is evidently to Germany and to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The Premier then defined "surreal" the opening of an infringement procedure by the EU against Italy for alleged deficiencies in the registration of refugees.

“Italy has done a lot and I'm happy with the EU's progress – he added to the journalists' microphones – even if I find them a bit shy. Reallocations right now are less than 1% of what was promised. The recognitions, even the photometric ones, must be done. And we have been doing it for months: we are now over 90% of our commitments. It is a controversy that makes little sense to exist”.

Germany, Renzi said again to PSE colleagues before arriving at the European Council, must change course and abandon the austerity front to open up to policies favorable to growth and employment.

Renzi criticized the EU leaders, accusing them of doing double standards when the decisions to be taken concern Germany, as in the case of the pipeline North Stream.

The Prime Minister then pointed the finger at German companies that they are ready to do business with Russia, starting with the project to double the pipeline, despite the sanctions against Moscow and after Brussels rejected the South Stream, which interested in Italy.
