
Renzi: "Important and not obvious agreement"

"A break would have been senseless" said the premier after the agreement reached. “We said No, with a certain harshness, to the idea of ​​basing the Greek Investment Fund in Luxembourg. It would have been a useless humiliation." The hypothesis that Berlin aimed to change the Greek government is "political fiction".

Renzi: "Important and not obvious agreement"

Matteo Renzi calls the agreement reached on Greece “an important agreement e not granted“. "A break would have been senseless – continues the premier – and it ended up with a solution of common sense and reasonableness, especially compared to how we started”. A solution reached "in extra time" and conditioned by the use of the Greek referendum. "It was a mistake - he adds - to resort to consultation and in particular it was a mistake to interrupt the negotiations and announce it by surprise, letting the press agencies know it to the European partners".

The prime minister, in answering some questions at the press conference, then explained that Italy has taken a tough position "expressing a No to the idea of ​​basing the privatization fund on Luxembourg. I wasn't the only one to have said it – he specified – but I was the first and I did it with a certain harshness. It was a humiliation that could not be inflicted on Greece”. The Fund of 50 billion, he explained she, is not the same one formulated by Finance Minister Schaeuble who asked for a guarantee fund based abroad. The privatization fund, on the other hand, will receive resources to be allocated to the public debt.

And again, on the hypotheses of a Berlin strategy to unseat the Tsipras government: “Lidea that Merkel, Schauble or Gabriel have been plotting for who knows what in the night belongs to the usual political fiction".“What we have to do now – the Prime Minister specified again – is to take a step forward. Europe must go back to discussing the future and how to combine the necessary reforms with growth”
