
Renzi: "We have scrapped article 18, cocopro and cococo" and started the liberalisations

The Council of Ministers approved the first two implementing decrees of the Jobs Act on contracts with increasing protection and on Naspi - Renzi: we have attacked the precariousness and now "there are no more alibis for hiring" - Liberalisation, Guidi: "Interventions on insurance, telephony, energy, fuel, pension funds, lawyers, notaries and pharmacies”.

Renzi: "We have scrapped article 18, cocopro and cococo" and started the liberalisations

“For the first time, politics wages war not on precarious workers, but on the precariat. For the first time, the younger generations have new protections. We scrap and overcome a certain model of labor law, and at the same time we overcome theArticle 18, the cocopro and cococo. Two legislative decrees see the light today: the one on contract with increasing protections and the one on naspi, which is a safety net for those who lose their jobs, but also a trampoline”. The premier, Matteo Renzi, said today at the end of the Council of Ministers which approved the first two legislative decrees of the Jobs Act and the draft law on competition. 

And "to those who think that without article 18, permanent contracts will no longer be what we know - he added -, I say with great serenity that words such as mortgage, holidays, severance pay, rights, enter the vocabulary of a generation that has so far been unacceptably excluded".

According to Renzi, the Government has “removed any alibi from those who say that hiring in Italy is not convenient. From today, work has more flexibility in entry and more protection in exit. No one is left alone when fired. We value in about 200 thousand of our compatriots active in parasubordinate work who will pass from contracts to permanent employment. We return the various to the chicken coops…”.

As for the "collective redundancies – continued the Premier – remain in the same dictation with which they left the Council of Ministers. Italy is restarting, the data we have are the data of a country that is once again looking to the future with hope. The implementing decrees of the Jobs act launched today serve collective hiring, not collective dismissals".

The Prime Minister then explained that “the other major provision launched today regards… Some say liberalisations: I would say simple Italy, an intervention to protect consumers. Let's make a cut, let's reduce the gap between those who enjoy a positional income and those who don't. There are rules on insurance, mobile phones and fines. Then we'll go a little less to the notary. And let's go towards our professionals with more serenity".


In particular, as regards insurance, "we have included in the text an obligation - specified the Minister of Economic Development, Federica Guidi, presenting the Competition Law - to apply significant discounts on rates in the event that the customer decides to accept certain conditions ”, such as the installation of the black box or the blood alcohol detector, “while other measures concern the assignment of classes of merit and compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. We have established a whole series of rules that help to have better comparability of offers, more transparency and lower prices".


With regard to pension funds, "we intended to favor portability", while as regards telephony "we concentrated on the asymmetries between entering into and withdrawing from the contract - continued Guidi -, imposing greater fairness in the case of withdrawal compared to a series of ancillary conditions that must be made clearer and more transparent and more aligned with the duration of the contract, in order to have a lower cost of the penalty in the event of withdrawal". 


As for energy, “we have predicted that the enhanced protection regime for price discipline will be abolished from 2018 January XNUMX – continued the minister -. We decided to give three years time because to arrive at a major change, a path is absolutely necessary that accompanies this revolution and above all helps the final consumer to seize the new opportunities".


On the issue of fuel distribution, Guidi said that the Government has "eliminated an asymmetry that still existed in some cases, regarding some discriminatory rules for new entrants compared to current operators"; while for banking services "we intend to propose rules to improve the transparency and comparability of prices: also in this case there is an asymmetry between entering into and terminating the contract".


And again, the professions: “We make it possible to have capital partners in lawyers' firms – explained Guidi –, plus another series of accompanying articles to try to have more clarity on the estimates. For notaries we have extended the possibility of drafting deeds at the regional level. Furthermore, we have simplified some deeds for the establishment of simplified limited liability companies, with the notary becoming optional, and can also be carried out with private deed. Even in the case of the private sale of non-residential properties up to a value of 100 thousand euros, the notary may be replaced by a lawyer. And also for a series of deeds where the digital signature is present, this replaces the appeal to the notary". 


Lastly, as regards "pharmacies - concluded Guidi -, we have not touched anything on the current situation: the pharmacist continues to have contact with the customer, the number of pharmacies remains the same, the same rules on the distribution of drugs. But it seemed modern to remove the constraint of the four licenses for the ownership of pharmacies. And here too we have included the possibility of having capital shareholders”. 
