
Surprise Renzi: "In 2018 via Equitalia"

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announces that the government is reorganizing the entire system of tax agencies and that the hated Equitalia will disappear within two years and that taxes for the middle class will drop next year, although it remains to be decided whether to do so by acting on the rates Irpef or otherwise – The encore of the voluntary disclosure is being prepared

Surprise Renzi: "In 2018 via Equitalia"

Equitalia goodbye. It was Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who announced it yesterday on Twitter and Facebook live. "We are reorganizing the tax agencies and the entire relationship between the citizen and the public administration through a completely different model" from the current one in order to make it increasingly available to the public. In this context – added Renzi – “Equitalia will not reach 2018”. If the prime minister's intentions translate into reality, it would be a major revolution.

But Renzi went further. And, after recalling that "the greatest fiscal revolution ever made has come from the Government", first with the 80 euro bonus for less well-off workers, then with the reduction of Irap for the labor part and in view of the reduction of Ires and the tax wedge, he said that the next Stability law will go ahead and that "from 2017 taxes on the middle class will go down".

However, the government has yet to decide how to achieve the goal and is discussing it. "We are evaluating whether to do it with the reduction of personal income tax rates" or in another way, but the reduction of taxes for the middle class "is a priority".

Finally, the encore of the voluntary disclosure for the repatriation of capital from abroad and the consequent payment of taxes. "The voluntary disclosure was a success and we are working to repeat it."
