
Renzi to Grillo: "Lies about the 80 euro bonus"

After days of controversy, the Premier intervenes on the question of the return of the 80 euro bonus by some categories of workers. Renzi explains "1,4 million people have lost their right to the bonus because they do not fall within the limits, but 1,6 million people have instead returned" - Then the attack on Grillo: "he only lies, the numbers speak for themselves ”.

Renzi to Grillo: "Lies about the 80 euro bonus"

After days of controversy and accusations, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi intervened on the issue concerning the return of the 80 euro bonus in payroll which is raging on the front pages of national newspapers.

The Premier, during the usual enews, spoke in no uncertain terms of falsehoods: “The 80 euros, immigration, the JobsAct are just three of the various topics being discussed in these hours. But all three play on numbers, tell false stories, try to make things that aren't true go viral on the net. The numbers are stubborn, – continued Renzi – reality is not the one described by the owls: there is still a lot to do but the path is the right one”. The Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, writes it in a passage of his enews.

After the generalized attack on the "owls," the Prime Minister responded to the accusations of the 5 Star Movement and in particular of its leader, Beppe Grillo: "Grillo says that we are asking for them back because it was only an electoral ploy. On Twitter, the founder of Cinque Stelle immediately became #beppebugiardo. Why? Because it's not true. There is no obscure maneuver by the Government, least of all at an electoral level”.

Going into the merits of the matter, the Premier explained that 1,5 million people who had declared that they fell within the limits established by law to benefit from the bonus, in reality, based on the analyzes of the MEF, do not respect the parameters and therefore do not have the right to incentive.

We remind you that, according to the provisions of the law, the 80 euros are due only to employees in the private sector with an annual gross income of between 8 and 26 euros per year. However, the benefit does not apply to those with an income of less than 8 euros. Below the minimum amount envisaged for the bonus, the threshold of incompetence is triggered and taxes are not paid. Employers must submit the request for disbursement, and they are also assigned the task of "determining the credit due and the related amount on the basis of the income data available to them" .

“It is true that 1,4 million people who had declared that they were within the limits established by law (8-26 euros gross) were not there and therefore lost their right to the bonus. – explained the head of government, But it is also true that 1,6 million people who had not declared that they were within the limits, have returned and therefore are entitled to the Bonus”.

Furthermore, based on the data reported by Renzi, there would be 200 more Italians than expected to have received the bonus: “the bottom line is that Grillo tells lies. On this too. But that's no longer news. The truth is: 11.291.064 Italians received the tax bonus in 2014”.
