
Renzi: "No overbuilding in Bagnoli, historic reclamation"

The premier visits Naples to discuss the revitalization of the former Italsider industrial area: "Let's eliminate the biggest environmental scandal, reclaiming 230 hectares and removing two million cubic meters between the fill and the sea of ​​waste left for years in atrocious conditions" - Clashes and protests in the city - The visit to Nisida - De Magistris misses the summit in the Prefecture.

Renzi: "No overbuilding in Bagnoli, historic reclamation"

“Don't listen to bogus reconstructions: in Bagnoli there is no overbuilding. Let's reclaim the lands, let's reclaim the sea: we are proceeding with the largest environmental recovery work in Italian history. It is worth more than ten eco-monster kills. With all due respect to the controversies of those who haven't lifted a finger for years. We are the ones who, faced with responsibilities, are not afraid. We promised to unblock Italy. And we will do it, with humility and courage”. The said it Matteo Renzi on his Facebook profile, on the occasion of his visit to Naples to discuss, with a summit in the Prefecture, the revitalization of the former industrial area of ​​Italsider, on the outskirts of the Campania capital.

“We will eliminate the reclamation – Renzi also added -. In other words, let's eliminate the biggest environmental scandal, reclaiming 230 hectares and removing two million cubic meters of waste left for years in atrocious conditions between the fill and the sea”. At the meeting, which is the fifth of the so-called "control room", are present, among others, Claudio De Vincenti, undersecretary to the presidency of the council, Salvo Nastasi, extraordinary commissioner for Bagnoli, Vincenzo De Luca, president of the Campania Region, and Domenico Arcuri, CEO of Invitalia. The latter has already declared that by June 2016 the first tenders will be announced and that by the summer the northern beach of Bagnoli will be made usable by citizens. “Bagnoli is an incredible place, located in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Closed since 1993, it must be reclaimed and returned to Naples and Italy”, Renzi also wrote on Fb.

"After years of chatting and free words, we have made a commitment to move the South, which means getting Italy back on track - the premier then told the forum to the editorial staff of the newspaper Il Mattino -. There is an Italy in the North which is already in a position to be a leader in the EU and then there is a South which has extraordinary opportunities and which must be put in a position to run. For a few months we have changed pace ”.

The premier's day had started from Nisida, as testified again by the Facebook profile: “I decided to start my visit to Naples from Nisida, the juvenile detention center of this wonderful city. A magnificent place, scenically wonderful. But also a place of pain of course. The stories of these kids are tragic stories for the victims of those crimes. But also for the degradation that has almost always marked their lives. I believe that a civilized country is the one that tries to give these minors a second chance. Training them, educating them, tearing them away from crime. Because this provides for the Constitution. Because this is what makes justice a serious matter, different from the justicialism that is so fashionable".

During the day there were protests and clashes, in particular on the seafront of via Caracciolo where about two thousand demonstrators threw themselves against the police, throwing stones and firecrackers and in response fire hydrants and tear gas. Scenes from urban guerrilla warfare, with four wounded police officers. For his part, the mayor Luigi De Magistris, as widely announced, controversially deserted the summit: "I've already bought the swimsuit - he said ironically -: I'm just waiting for Renzi to tell me the day when I can go to swim in the Bagnoli sea". Then the criticism becomes tough: “I will never go to the control room, it's a place to keep away from, there are the same people Woodcock was already investigating 10 years ago and I was prosecutor at the time. In Catanzaro I know how things are."
