
Renzi: 900 million to the bank guarantee fund, a part in 2016

It is "an emergency measure to give an immediate signal" – Before the audience of Assolombarda, the Premier then claimed the reduction of Ires to 24%, "that is, one point below Spain".

“There are credit difficulties, it's true. Not only will we put 900 million into the guarantee fund, but we will anticipate part of it in 2016 with an emergency provision to give an immediate signal". This was announced today by the premier, Matteo Renzi, during the assembly of Assolombarda.

"The agenda of things done does not serve to solve all the problems, but it has served to change the country's plans: things done open the prairie to what to do", said Renzi, citing the reduction of IRES to 24% , “that is, one point below Spain”.

The Premier also launched a last jab at the European Union, called to approve the new request for flexibility: "In the years in which Italy has been absent or almost absent in the European debate, the Union has dried up and made rules financial institutions that defend the interests of those countries that are dominating the European Union. I consider the US model of economic policy and not the European one”.
