
Renewables, Agici: “For net zero by 2050, over 1.000 billion and a leaner bureaucracy are needed”

At the workshop “Net Zero Economy by 2050” organized by Agici, it emerged that, in addition to investments, it is crucial to simplify authorizations and involve citizens to overcome bureaucratic barriers

Renewables, Agici: “For net zero by 2050, over 1.000 billion and a leaner bureaucracy are needed”

To reach the carbon neutrality by 2050, Italy will have to put in place investments equal to 1.010 billion euros. A large financial commitment is not enough, it is essential to adopt policies public that simplify i processes authorizations, eliminating current regulatory barriers and thus giving a decisive boost to the country's energy transition. This is what emerged from the workshop "Net Zero Economy by 2050: mirage or reality?", organized today in Milan by act, within the framework of the Renewable Observatory Oir, in partnership with Edison. The event brought together the main players in the energy sector to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to the energy transition.

Net Zero Study: The Challenge and Potential of Renewable Energy in 2050 by Agici

The big energy companies are ready to do their part: in 2023 they have already invested 42,6 billion euros in renewable energy (Fer). However, two problems main threats to the progress of the sector: the long processes authorizations, which slow down the development of renewables and put European objectives at risk, and obsolescence of the plants. In fact, 89% of installed capacity will have to be renewed within the next 25 years. In particular, 70% of hydroelectric and geothermal plants date back to before 1980, while two-thirds of wind and photovoltaic plants were installed between 2007 and 2014. By 2050, 73,8 GW of capacity will need to be renewed, with an estimated cost of 48,3 billion euros, mainly for the photovoltaic and hydroelectric sectors.

However, there is also a positive note: the main Italian and European energy utilities foresee a Increase renewable capacity by 63% by 2030, corresponding to an increase of 147,6 GW and total investments of 174,3 billion euros (of which 42 billion for Italian operators alone). To fully exploit this potential, it will also be necessary to intervene on the regulatory front and for this reason Agici underlines the urgency of reforms that can accelerate the authorization processes and further incentivize investments.

The report also highlights the importance of direct involvement of citizens in the energy transition. Virtuous behaviors such as purchasing electric vehicles and energy efficiency interventions in homes can make a significant contribution to the path towards Net Zero.


“Imagining a decarbonised society means entering unexplored territory, projecting oneself into a completely new world: for this reason we are keen to underline that, in order to achieve the European decarbonisation objectives by 2050, we need realism, but above all a concrete and shared effort by all – he declared Marco Carta, CEO of Agici -. Our study shows how companies are ready to do their part, now we await a response at the political level. There are still too many delays, moratoriums and individual measures that, often in contrast with the Pniec itself, slow down and block investments: accelerating the implementation processes is now an imperative that can no longer be postponed”.

“When we talk about energy transition and innovation, we need to keep in mind that the basis of the process is plants that are naturally subject to obsolescence,” he added. Anna Pupino, coordinator of the Agici Oir Observatory -. It is not enough to invest in renewable capacity to reach a Net Zero Society, but it is necessary to plan and anticipate tomorrow's maintenance and renewal costs today. Our country is required to have great foresight to support operators in sustaining costs and to guarantee, with adequate policies, correct maintenance of the plants".
