
Relaunch Decree with regularization of migrants: all the points

Decree of 55 billion in 260 articles to support businesses and families in the face of the Coronavirus emergency - Irap cut and non-repayable compensation for companies - Green light to the legislation on illegal immigrants wanted by Minister Bellanova, who during the presentation is moved as it happened years ago at Fornero.

Relaunch Decree with regularization of migrants: all the points

After weeks of troubled gestation and a long council of ministers, the government has given the green light to the revival decree (ex April decree, then May decree). Is composed by 260 articles and it's worth everything 55 billion euros, "like two budget laws", said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the press conference, explaining that "25,6 billion are available to workers", While "15-16 billion will go to businesses"And 3,25 billion to healthcare.

Let's see what are the main measures contained in the measure.


The funds to companies "will be disbursed in various forms, from the smallest to the possibility of capitalizing the largest ones", added Conte

On the fiscal side, the Premier assured that they will be "cut 4 billion in taxes for all businesses up to 250 million in turnover"With the stop on the down payment and the IRAP balance for June.

The Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, underlined that “the quantitatively most significant part of the decree concerns support for businesses. After Care Italian and the of liquidity, now is the time of the non-refundable refreshment”. The number one of the Treasury then spoke of “an unprecedented commitment to favour the recapitalization and contribute to reabsorbing the losses of companies”.

The owner of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, explained instead that “the relaunch decree allocates 6 billion for compensation to companies with turnover from zero to 5 million euros and which have had a 33% drop in turnoveressentially the whole". Then he clarified that “the compensation will go from 2 euros to over 40 euros for companies that have lost the ability to invoice".


The self-employed and professionals enrolled in INPS separate management who have already received 600 euros from INPS they will immediately collect the second installment of the subsidy. “I hope they can arrive in the next few hours, when the decree goes into the Official Gazette, then we reserve the right to integrate them with a refreshment up to 1000 euros – said Conte – For the workers there are 25,6 billion euros. There are resources for strengthen layoffs and autonomous bonuses, i.e. two social and economic shock absorbers that protect workers and allow companies to preserve productive integrity. To date we have paid 85% of Cig applications and almost 80% of self-employed bonuses, for 4,6 million workers. There have been delays for the Cig by way of derogation but we have worked with the Regions, which I thank, to speed up ”.


In the decree, "there is also emergency income for sections of the population that need greater protection". The Rem swings by 400 800 in euros depending on the family unit.


Conte announced that the investment in health care is equal to 3 billion and 250 million and that the government has also set up a "fund for semi-residential structures for people with disabilities, providing resources for 40 million".

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, specified that "240 million will go to new hires in the health sector and 190 million will be used for incentives for doctors". In particular, they will be hired 9.600 nurses e ICU beds will increase by 115%, thus moving steadily from 5.179 beds before the pandemic emergency to over 11.000 places. Others are planned later 4.200 scholarships for medical schools.


With the relaunch decree, 1,4 billion were allocated for universities and research. The investment also provides the hiring of 4 new researchers.

For the school, are provided 16 thousand hires in addition through competitions: of these, 8 thousand will arrive with the extraordinary procedure approved in 2019 and another 8 thousand with the ordinary one for qualifications and exams.


Hotels and bathing establishments will not have to pay the first installment of the Imu 2020, the one that expires in June.

“For companies in the hospitality sectors – added Gualtieri – we are allocating a good 2 billion to face the expenses necessary to adapt to the new requirements”.


Also, always to support tourism, to families with Isee less than 40 thousand euros a holiday bonus of 500 €.


Bars and restaurants”they will not have to pay the Tosap”, that is “the tax for the occupation of public land”, Conte explained again.


The relaunch decree also includes the regularization for 6 months of immigrants employed as labourers, cleaners and carers. “For some it may be a secondary point – said the Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova, visibly moved – but for me, for my story, it is a fundamental point and I am referring to article 110 bis. From today the invisible will be less invisible. From today the State wins because it is stronger than crime and illegal hiring”.

[Laws the FIRSTonline interview with Minister Bellanova]


1 billion and 150 million euros have been allocated to the agricultural sector. The investments, Bellanova explained, will focus above all on the "sectors that have suffered the most: nursery gardening, agritourisms, the wine supply chain".


“The approval on my proposal of 110% Superbonus for energy efficiency and anti-seismic adaptation of homes they represent a revolution for the economy and the environment – ​​said the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Riccardo Fraccaro – I am proud of this law which finds the greatest consensus in the government and the transversal appreciation of the parties and trade associations. Now Italy can restart under the banner of sustainable growth”. The 110% superbonus will allow the improvement of the energy class and the safety of homes to be carried out at no cost to citizens and the safety of the territory with a view to prevention.

[Read also: "110% Ecobonus: the news of the May decree in 5 points"]


there is acompensation of 600 euros in April and May for show business workers.
