Assonime has chosen to illustrate with a “Simple guide to constitutional reform” the proposal to amend the second part of the Constitution approved by Parliament, which will soon be the subject of a referendum.
A broad debate has developed on the reform of the Constitution, which has highlighted both the strengths and weaknesses of the constitutional law submitted to popular consultation. Often, however, the positions appear to reflect contingent political objectives (for or against the current government), more than substantive issues. Furthermore, many contributions are expressed in a language for insiders, making them difficult to use by the general public.
The goal of the Guide is to explain in simple language the inefficiencies of the current institutional arrangements that justify a reform of the second part of the Constitution, the issues at stake and the implications of the proposal, to help readers consciously reach their own ratings.
The guide analyze what's new (overcoming undifferentiated bicameralism, new composition and new role of the Senate, limits to emergency decrees and introduction of the "certain date vote", revision of the division of legislative powers between the State and the Regions, reduction of policy costs), summarizing the main profiles under discussion among critics and supporters of the reform.
Assonime emphasizes that the Constitution provides the fundamental institutional framework for the functioning of democracy, the effective safeguarding of citizens' rights, for the development of businesses and for work. To evaluate the changes to the Constitution, one cannot limit oneself to short-term political reasons, but a different, more far-sighted perspective is needed.
Faced with the difficult economic situation, the European crisis, international tensions and new threats to security, we need to ask ourselves whether Italy's interest is better defended by maintaining the text of the Constitution in force today (undifferentiated bicameralism, current division of legislative powers, current number of senators, CNEL and reference to the Provinces in the Constitution) or by the constitutional law, which certainly could have been clearer in some respects and made more courageous choices (for example, the revision of the legislative competences of the Regions with special statute is deferred to change of statutes).
There is no quorum for the referendum. In deciding it must be taken into account that, in the event that the reform approved by the Parliament is rejected, for a new reform of the Constitution based on a different text it will take some years.
Attachments: Simple guide to the constitutional reform of Assonime