
Referendum, the reform will reduce the costs of the institutions: Assonime Guide

The senators, who will be fewer, will no longer receive a parliamentary indemnity and the elimination of Provinces and Cnel will contribute to a general lowering of the operating costs of the institutions, as documented in the Simple Guide of the constitutional reform elaborated by Assonime

Referendum, the reform will reduce the costs of the institutions: Assonime Guide

The reduction of the operating costs of the institutions does not represent the main aspect of the constitutional reform, but it gives a positive signal in the perspective of a better use of public resources.

As far as Parliament is concerned, in the new Senate, senators will no longer receive a parliamentary allowance because they already receive compensation as regional councilors or mayors. Even the expenses related to logistics and organizational aspects are reduced, through the reduction of the number of senators (from more than three hundred to about one hundred). To avoid duplication of expenses, a merger of the administrative services of the Chamber and the Senate is also envisaged.

The elimination of the Provinces makes it possible to simplify the architecture of the public administration. It remains possible to entrust some administrative functions to intermediate bodies between the Regions and the Municipalities, the so-called "wide area bodies": these, however, have no constitutional significance. This allows greater flexibility in terms of assignment of tasks and organization, also with a view to containing costs. The elimination of the CNEL constitutes a further factor in the reduction of the operating expenses of the institutions.

Attachments: The Simple Guide to Assonime's constitutional reform
