
Referendum, Tar rejects M5S appeal

According to M5S and the Italian Left, the current formulation of the referendum question would be "a sort of advertising spot" in favor of Yes - The appeal was deemed inadmissible due to lack of jurisdiction.

Referendum, Tar rejects M5S appeal

The appeal filed by Movement 5 Stars and the Italian Left on the referendum question was declared inadmissible by Tar of Lazio due to lack of jurisdiction. M5S and SI had appealed because, according to them, the current formulation of the question would have ended up translating into "a sort of advertising spot" for the Yes.

In the appeal, the oppositions requested the annulment on the merits of the decree with which the Presidency of the Republic called the referendum, the transmission of the documents to the Constitutional Court to verify the legitimacy of the 1970 law on the referendum procedure and on the article dedicated to the formulation of the question.

The response from the Five Stars was not long in coming: “To understand the extent of the decision, you need to read the reasons. It will be understood whether our exceptions in relation to the question were founded or not. We have more than one reason to believe, also in the light of the Tar's decision, that they are”.
