
Referendum, Renzi launches YES campaign

The premier opens the referendum campaign for the victory of the YES to the constitutional reform in Bergamo, where he visited Brembo: “If the NO wins, Italy would become a paradise for mess-ups. Berlinguer also wanted a unicameral system"

Referendum, Renzi launches YES campaign

Matteo Renzi opens the campaign for the YES to the October referendum on the constitutional reform of the Senate and Title V. He does so from Bergamo, where he visited Brembo ("You are an example for the country").

“If the No won in the referendum – Renzi immediately said – Italy would become the country of mess-ups”. After recalling that Enrico Berlinguer, the secretary of the PCI, was also in favor of unicameralism, Renzi explained, point by point, the benefits of the reform, which cuts the costs of politics, simplifies the decision-making process, abolishes useless bodies such as the provinces or the Cnel.

Faced with the protests of about twenty opponents, Renzi has not lost his temper and has said that the campaign for the YES will be carried out with a smile and with great enthusiasm. Then he reminded that, if he loses, he will leave politics. 
