
Referendum: today the government sets the date

In any case, the choice will come amidst the protests of the opposition, enraged at not having been consulted – Also awaiting the update of the Def

Referendum: today the government sets the date

Today the Council of Ministers will set the date for the constitutional referendum. According to the latest rumors, the Italians should be called to the polls to express themselves on the Boschi reform on Sunday 27 November or a week later, on Sunday 4 December. The second option seems more likely.

In any case, the choice will come amid protests from the opposition, enraged at not having been consulted.

Meanwhile, today the Renzi government could also issue the update note of the Economic and Financial Document (which should contain a negative revision of the 2016 public accounts: GDP +1%, deficit-GDP at 2,3% and debt at 131 % of GDP) and authorize the Senate to trust the penal reform bill.
