
Referendum, Napolitano: the Constitution cannot be defended with inaction

The president emeritus of the Republic, speaking in Milan at the conference for a "Pacato SI'" in the referendum, maintained that "the values ​​of the 1948 Charter and the role of the institutions cannot be defended with inaction and with an interminable series of abortive attempts and deceptive postponements" and added that the ruptures on the constitutional reform are a "defeat for all"

Referendum, Napolitano: the Constitution cannot be defended with inaction

We need calmness and balance in the referendum but enough with immobilism and with the endless postponements of the reforms. The president emeritus of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, speaking in Milan at the conference for a "Pacato SI '" to the referendum, did not fail to clearly express his point of view on the reforms and on the referendum of 4 December.

"The values ​​of the 1948 Charter and the role of the institutions - Napolitano argued - cannot be defended with inaction and an interminable series of postponements".

The former Head of State then stigmatized the type of campaign under way, saying that he expected "YES and NO equally calm, objective and measured", also in the light of the assurances he received when he was President of the Republic, of "willingness
 to collaborate from all sides for reforms considered necessary but then remained dead letters” for so many years.

Precisely because of this, Napolitano concluded by calling the ruptures on the constitutional reform a "defeat for all" and reiterated that "mutual respect" is now needed.
