
Income monitor, Tremonti tries to hide his paternity but Corriere della Sera doesn't fall for it

In a letter to the "Corriere della Sera" the former minister Tremonti tries to deny his authorship of the income meter by blaming Monti for it but the newspaper does not fall for it and recalls that it was he who signed the 2010 founding measure even if the consequent application decree bears the signature of Monti – Befera thinks of a soft version

Income monitor, Tremonti tries to hide his paternity but Corriere della Sera doesn't fall for it

But whose son is the income meter? In a long letter to the "Corriere della Sera" the former Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, whom the League would like to be candidate for prime minister, tries to deny his authorship by swearing and perjuring that "the hundred voices of the tax controls" who have triggered what Mario Monti has called the "time bomb" of the income meter. But how does the Premier in office – Tremonti insists – say these things if the ministerial decree of 24 December last and published on 4 January in the Official Gazette which implements the income meter bears his signature? If he really thinks so badly of the income meter, it would be enough - adds Tremonti - to withdraw the Christmas ministerial decree. But "Corriere della Sera" doesn't agree and dutifully specifies: "The January decree of the Monti government does nothing more than implement a provision of the Berlusconi government of which Tremonti was minister of the economy. It was decree 78 of 2010 and not of 2011”.

Meanwhile, faced with the red-hot controversy over the income meter, the Revenue Agency, on the recommendation of Monti and the Court of Auditors, is sweetening its contents in a soft version. As the director of the Revenue Agency, Attlio Befera, let us understand after a meeting with Monti at Palazzo Chigi. The income meter will not have a fierce face, there will be no mass surveys, but only 40 checks. Sometimes oportet ut scandala eveniant
