
Inclusion income, green light from CDM

The first yes from the Council of Ministers arrives to the provision, which now passes to the parliamentary commissions for opinions – It will concern 660 thousand families in the first phase and will correspond to a figure between 190 and 485 euros each.

First yes of the Council of Ministers to the legislative decree which introduces "a national measure to combat poverty" in Italy. The provision implements the delegation approved in March, making the inclusion income operational (Rei). Now the provision will have to acquire the opinions of the competent parliamentary commissions.

The measure just approved for the fight against poverty in the first phase it will address "660 families, 560 of whom have minor children", explained the Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, at the end of the CDM. Priority in the recognition of the Inclusion Income, he explains, will be given to households "with at least one minor or disabled child even if of age, to those with a pregnant woman or an over 50 unemployed".

"The occasion is important to say that the decree on poverty is part of a general government policy that seeks to emphasize social inclusion - said Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi -, we have also done it at European level, with a proposal for an inclusion income tool, we will continue to do so: I also recently spoke about it with President Macron because this issue must become increasingly central to the EU".

“We have made commitments to quickly approve the legislative decree on poverty – he said again Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi -, collaborating with the alliance for poverty: we are aware that it is a first step, a first response to a very important need and that the years of crisis have made even more pressing”. “We are pleased to have kept a commitment and launched a universal tool against poverty for the first time but at the same time we know that it is a first step that will have to see further ones and this was also the sense of understanding between us and the associative, trade union, cultural world”, he adds.

From the point of view of resources, there are 1,7 billion on the table: the amount of the Rei will go from a minimum of 190 to a maximum of 485 euros, depending on various parameters and the members of the households involved.
