
Citizenship income: only 293 euros per family, here are the calculations

According to the analysis by Sole 24 Ore, if the basic income were paid to the 2,5 million families with an income of less than 9 euros a month, the average amount would be much lower than the 780 euros promised and it would go above all to the southern provinces – Here are all the calculations

Citizenship income: only 293 euros per family, here are the calculations

With the basic income, on average, the beneficiary families will receive 293,85 euros each. A figure far from the 780 euros promised in the electoral campaign by the 5 Star Movement and even lower than what is foreseen today by the Inclusion income - 305 euros on average for 378 thousand families - which will be abolished precisely to make room for the main measure of pentastellati.

The amount was calculated from an analysis by Il Sole 24 Ore of Monday based on Ordinary Isee dating back to 2016 (latest year available) and monitored by the Ministry of Labour.


As indicated by the Government, the parameter for deciding who will be entitled to receive the citizen's income will be the ISEE: the 9 billion euros allocated should therefore be divided between the 2,5 million families with an ISEE of less than 9.360 euros per year (threshold indicated by the Executive). Well, if this were the case, the basic income would translate into the payment of 293,95 euros per month per family.

Obviously those who currently have a lower income will receive more and vice versa, but despite the amount of the benefit gradually reducing based on the declared income, the accounts still do not add up.


Making an even more in-depth calculation, Il Sole 24 Ore underlines that, again on the basis of the ISEE presented in 2016, there are 469 thousand families with zero Isee. Calculator in hand therefore, 4,4 billion out of 9 will go to cover the 780 euros per month to be disbursed to these nuclei who will be entitled (again on the basis of the rules announced by the M5s) to the full contribution. In practice, a fifth of potential beneficiaries will absorb about half of the "piggy bank" reserved by the Budget Law for basic income.

The problem is that for the other 2 million, 4,6 billion euros will remain: which means that the accounts still do not add up, because in this case the average monthly amount would drop to 184,15 euros per month for the vast majority of beneficiaries.


“We are thinking about how to modulate job offers on the basis of geographical distribution", the premier declared last October 15, Giuseppe Conte, at the Lega's political training school, in reference to the 3 job offers which, if all three are rejected, will cause the disbursement of the citizenship debt to lapse. Words spoken to reassure those who had expressed the fear that the measure would only translate into a welfare tool that would help only the citizens of the South.

Numbers in hand, however, according to Il Sole 24 Ore, the first 34 provinces in which potential beneficiaries of basic income reside are all in the South. In terms of incidence, in fact, the first in the standings is Crotone, where 27,9% of families declare an ISEE of less than 9 euros per year. Naples and Palermo follow with respectively 20,6 and 20,5%. Then we find Caltanissetta (19,8%), Medio Campidano (18,6%) Catanzaro (18,4%) and Catania (18%). Caserta (17,9%), Barletta (17,5%) and Reggio Calabria (16,9%) close the top ten.

At the bottom of the ranking we find the cities of the North. The territory that, on the contrary, will benefit least from the basic income will be Bolzano, where only 2,3% of the inhabitants declare an ISEE under 9 thousand euros. Just above that are Belluno and Sondrio, one household out of 30, and Varese one out of 20.

"The ISEE values, on the other hand, are historically lower in the South", underlines Il Sole 24 Ore, regardless of the Government's attempts to find a balance between North and South. In percentage terms therefore, continues the economic newspaper, " taking 100 families with the admission requirements, 48,6 are in the South and in the Islands, 19 in the Centre, 32,4 in the North”.

