
Citizenship income and civil service: the grip of the League

Rain of amendments to the decree on the citizen's income - Possible link with the civil service, more controls on those who divorce and openings on the citizen's pension - Here are all the news

Citizenship income and civil service: the grip of the League

Citizenship income hand in hand with the civil service. This is the proposal of the League which, more than the other 1.569 amendments presented by the various parties in Parliament, risks radically changing the face of the flagship measure of the 5 Star Movement. A proposal that comes from the other party in government: the League. Not only that, the Northern League has also presented another series of changes concerning the divorced and the disabled.


The so-called decree on basic income and quota 100 is being examined by the Senate Labor Commission. The text was "hit" by a veritable shower of amendments. 1.570 modification proposals presented by the parties, of which 900 only by the Brothers of Italy. 225 are instead the amendments presented by the Pd, 236 those of Forza Italia, 130 of Leu. Within the majority, the 5 Star Movement presented 34 modification requests, the Lega 43. The text will arrive in the Chamber on Tuesday 19 February.


Young people between the ages of 18 and 28 who receive basic income will have to carry out one year of compulsory civil service. This is what the amendment to the decree presented to the League provides.

If the law were approved, on a practical level, the 8 hours of "socially useful work" per week could be replaced with "an average weekly presence of 25 hours". The management of the mechanism would be entrusted to the youth departments in charge of the Regions, while the employment centers will take care of the control.


Another important amendment by the League plans to extend the citizen's pension to seniors living with disabled people: “The citizenship pension can also be granted in cases in which the member or members of the family unit aged 67 or over live with one or more people in a condition of serious disability or non self-sufficiency”.

Among the other proposals presented, the one that calls for the separation of the invalidity pension from the ISEE stands out, the law which provides for the increase of the coefficients for large families and the disabled, the possibility for the latter to sign a work pact.

To benefit from the citizen's income, according to another proposal, at least one member of the family unit must have "paid, in the previous ten years, taxes and contributions from work, in any amount and for at least 24 months, even non-continuous".

Also expected stricter controls on those who divorce” in order to stem the "smart. To limit the number of foreigners who can access the subsidy, a proposal from the League excludes the possibility that the presence of a family member in possession of a residence permit is sufficient. Another amendment establishes the obligation of certification, translated into Italian, of the composition of the nucleus.


In the meantime, frictions with the Regions continue. If the decree were to "be converted in these terms", in particular on the hiring of navigators, the appeal to the Constitutional Court "is a hypothesis that we would seriously consider, because the competences" of the Regions are not taken into account. This was stated by Cristina Grieco, coordinator of the regional councilors for labour, in a hearing in the regional issues commission on the provision that introduces basic income and the 100 quota for the pension.
