
Reckitt Benckiser, a 5-point sustainability project

RB Hygiene Home Italia presents the #GreeneRB sustainability project, divided into five guidelines that will guide the company towards an increasingly responsible business.

Reckitt Benckiser, a 5-point sustainability project

Reckitt Benckiser – world leader in the production of consumer goods in the health, hygiene and household cleaning sectors – presents today, in a press conference in Milan, #GreeneRB, the project which aims to reduce its environmental impact and to develop a sustainable business model.

RB, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, has embarked on a path of social responsibility in order to reduce its environmental impact and create a cleaner world. The #GreeneRB project by RB Hygiene & Home Italia fits into this framework, which aims to make business choices that have a positive impact on society and the environment.

Responsible use of water resources, new packaging design with less use of plastic, advanced product formulation, mobility with reduced environmental impact and reduction of energy and material consumption: these are the guidelines of the plan that will involve RB Hygiene & Home Italia .

“We are proud to be part of a Group that is making sustainability a central and strategic value. We want to preserve the planet's resources through concrete actions that reduce our environmental impact. As RB Hygiene Home Italia we obviously want to do our part in the area in which we operate.” - commented Henry MarchelliRegional Director Italy, Greece and Israel RB Hygiene Home – “We have launched a #GreeneRB project capable of involving everyone, starting from our corporate population up to our partners and external stakeholders. Along this path five pillars of sustainability, water protection, sustainable products, mobility and offices, and partners for the environment will guide us in taking concrete actions in this path that will lead us to be increasingly green and sustainable".


In defense of water: RB is sensitive to a conscious use of resources. In this regard, the Company is actively committed to reducing water consumption in everyday life, promoting the culture of saving water even outside the company, among Italian consumers. RB has also set itself the goal of reducing water consumption in production by 35% globally by 2025. The project includes various awareness-raising activities regarding the conscious use of such a precious resource, aimed at both employees and to final consumers.

Sustainable products: a further challenge is represented by the creation of sustainable products with reduced environmental impact. The goal is challenging: by 2025, RB is committed to making the plastic of its product bottles totally recyclable and reusable, including at least 25% recycled plastic inside them. The company is committed to creating a culture of sustainability through concrete actions that will allow the entire RB ecosystem to reduce the environmental impact: from the recyclability of the packages through the use of perforated labels, to the elimination of black plastic in the packs; from changing the packaging from PE to PET, where possible, to increasing the offer of doy packs as an alternative to trigger refills, bottles and jars.

Sustainable office: #GreeneRB is a 360° project that also directly involves all employees. RB Italia has launched a program that includes internal communication campaigns, workshops, activities and opportunities for discussion to raise awareness among the corporate population. Furthermore, offices are also undergoing a transformation in terms of sustainability: by 2019, 100% of non-recyclable plastic will be eliminated, and a 15% decrease in paper use and energy consumption are also expected. Objectives that are combined with concrete actions already underway and which are leading to the first important results, such as the total exclusion of plastic cups and water bottles, respectively replaced by cups that can be recycled in the wet and drinking fountains connected to the water network, or again from the replacement of paper tickets with the electronic paperless type.

Partners for the Environment: the project also aims to create a valuable network, forging partnerships with important stakeholders. The main will is to build relationships capable on the one hand of releasing new energy, fueling a social economy that restores value to the territory and to society, and on the other hand of giving life to a positive and generative movement.

Sustainable mobility: RB has decided to adopt sustainable mobility solutions, making a global commitment to reduce greenhouse gases by 40% by 2020 . RB Hygiene & Home Italia will contribute to this objective thanks to the inclusion of hybrid car models in the company Car Policy, starting from 2019. The project also envisages the creation of a sharing mobility application for employees, actions which together will allow a 20% reduction of the Co2 by 2021.
