
Rcs, Rotelli is undecided about the capital increase

After some newspapers today wrote that Giuseppe Rotelli will not oppose the capital increase at the meeting, sources close to the healthcare entrepreneur have announced that he is still undecided - The meeting that will vote on the capital increase will be held on 30 May

Giuseppe Rotelli has not taken any decision regarding the Rcs capital increase operation, both as regards the vote in the meeting of 30 May and the possible subscription. "No decision has been taken regarding the capital increase of RCS," said a source close to the Rotelli group, after some newspapers today wrote that the healthcare entrepreneur will not oppose the capital increase at the meeting.

On May 30, the RCS assembly will vote on the delegation to the Board of Directors for a capital increase of up to 500 million. The outcome is still uncertain: not all the shareholders of the pact have in fact given their willingness to sign it, as have some large shareholders outside the pact, such as the Benetton family and Diego Della Valle. In reality, in recent days there have been many declarations of optimism regarding the outcome of the meeting. Italmobiliare general manager Carlo Pesenti said the capital increase is likely to pass. They have already announced that Mediobanca, Fiat, Intesa Sanpaolo, Fonsai, Pirelli, Edison and Mittel are ready to join. Fiat and Intesa have also said they are willing to buy unopted shares. Out of agreement, they have already announced that Diego Della Valle and the Benetton family will not join. The latter, however, could vote in favor at the meeting.

Rcs MediaGroup closed in negative territory today in Piazza Affari (-0,56%) a session that began under good auspices thanks to press rumors that assumed an agreement had been reached between the syndicate pact and the banks for the improvement of the conditions of debt restructuring. 
