
Rcs, the mystery of the anonymous raker

Once all the rights to the unopted RCS had been assigned, the hunt for the anonymous raker began - Fiat and Della Valle: "It's not us" - Either one of the duelists is lying (unlikely, given the attention from Consob) or slipped into the game a third protagonist, perhaps in harmony with one of the contenders.

Rcs, the mystery of the anonymous raker

I don't, you don't. Then who? Once assigned all the rights of the unopted Rcs The hunt for the anonymous rake has begun. Among the denials of the protagonists. But let's go in order. This morning, the second day of the RCS auction, a press release from the guarantee consortium headed by Banca IMI announced that "all the remaining securities of the operation have been placed, equal to around 15 million rights equivalent to around 45 million shares and all '11% of post-increase capital”. 

There were few reactions to the stock, which on the list marks a marginal +0,16% to 1,28 euros. On the contrary, there are many curiosities that have remained unsatisfied for the moment. First came, informally, the denial of the Fiat. The Lingotto did not buy other shares of the Corriere della Sera group at the auction today on the unopted RCS, "financial sources" told the agencies. The no of the other duelist was just as timely, XNUMX Diego Della Valle.

The businessman from the Marches did not increase his share in RCS by exploiting the unopted auction. Financial sources point out that he "would never have taken, nor has he ever been interested" in purchasing the securities offered. One of two things: either one of the duelists is lying (unlikely, given the attention of Consob) or a third protagonist has slipped into the match, perhaps in harmony with one of the contenders. But there is, as always, a third way: the purchase by a bank or financial partner ready to carry out a "portage" waiting to obtain a capital gain on the amount invested, approximately 45 million, to acquire 14% of the company in via Solferino. 

In short, a small mystery, destined to be solved perhaps already in the next few hours. In fact, the meeting of the board of directors of the publisher is scheduled for today at the headquarters of the group in via Rizzoli, in Milan, which will take note of the conclusion of the auction of the unexercised share capital increase of 421 million euro. Various issues related to the complex strategic plan to 2015 were on the board table: from the capital increase to the reduction of magazine titles, up to the offers relating to the sale of the properties in via San Marco.

But the balancing act will probably last until the last ten days of July when, after John Philip Elkann's return from the race, the RCS syndicate agreement will meet. 
