
Rcs, Della Valle: the capital increase is necessary, we are ready

The Marche entrepreneur's shareholding in Rcs is for the moment stopped at 8,695% – Scott Iovane: “Business plan in mid-December” – Provasoli confirms the existence of a new syndicate agreement represented by Alessandro Proto Consulting, which binds the shares of four different foreign investors for a total of 2,84% of the share capital.

Rcs, Della Valle: the capital increase is necessary, we are ready

XNUMX Diego Della Valle he has no doubts: RCS needs a capital increase. “We are awaiting the plan that the managing director is preparing – Tod's number one said today at the assembly of the publishing group -. Let's see it, let's evaluate it. As far as we're concerned, if it's a good plan, we're very ready to recapitalize the company".

But what number are we talking about? According to the latest rumors, no less than 400 million euros. Della Valle, however, does not say too much: "The managing director will tell us, let him work quietly". RCS will present in mid-December the industrial plan that the new managing director, Pietro Scott Iovane, is developing.

At the beginning of the meeting, when the chairman Angelo Provasoli read the names of the RCS shareholders with shares exceeding 2%, it emerged that the stake of the entrepreneur from the Marches is currently at 8,695%, although Della Valle has repeatedly announced that he is interested in increasing his stake. Last spring, the president of Tod's left the syndicate agreement that binds the majority of the capital of RCS, in dispute with the main shareholders.

All the other important shareholdings in the group's capital also remain unchanged, including that of Giuseppe Rotelli (13,03%), also outside the shareholders' agreement.

The assembly then confirmed the managing director and general manager Pietro Scott Iovane, co-opted last May, on the board. Antonello Perricone was paid a severance pay of around 3,4 million euros after his farewell to the club last spring.

Provasoli finally confirmed the existence of a syndicate agreement represented by Alessandro Proto Consulting, which binds the shares of four different foreign investors for a total of 2,84% of the share capital. Both Consob and the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office are investigating these movements. “We don't make judgments – commented Provasoli -. If the investment has been made, it will have been made seriously and we don't doubt this. We have no concerns about that."
