
Rc Auto, still increases despite the crisis

The survey concerns eight sample cities, and the variation is calculated on the evolution between February and May – Palermo leads the ranking with an 11,4% increase in tariffs, mainly to the detriment of the more virtuous motorists.

Rc Auto, still increases despite the crisis

Although the negative economic situation hits consumption hard, especially in the durable goods market such as the automotive one, the cost of insurance services continues to grow.
The surveys were conducted by, which examined eight Italian cities (Milan, Turin, Verona, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo), measuring the differences in insurance premiums between February and May of this year . In the quarter, the figure for Palermo stands out, with an increase of 11,4%, but there are also falls in prices, such as in Turin (by 13,8%) and Naples (by 8,5%).
Overall, the changes were more limited than in the past surveys, and the increases mainly concerned the profiles of the most virtuous motorists.
There were few variations for young people and novice drivers: for them only Rome showed an increase of 2,5%, while in the other sample cities prices remained stable.
Substantial changes instead from a gender point of view. Discounts of 3,3% in Bologna, 5% in Verona and 4,9% in Milan were reserved for men, while prices increased by 4,2% in Florence and 11,4% in Palermo. For women, there was no change in Milan and Verona, while in Florence prices fell by 2,6%, in Naples by 8,5% and in Turin by 13,8%. TPL cars more expensive for female drivers in Rome (+1,6%) and Palermo (+8,5%).
The underwriting of theft and fire policies decreases (coverage passes from 21,18% in February to 12,86% in May), as it is generally linked to the purchase of new cars, while the demand for roadside assistance increases, which concerns 49% of motorists.
