
Rating, Dangong downgrades France

The Chinese rating agency cut its rating on Paris from “A+” to “Aa-“, due to the weak growth prospects of the French economy and its ever-growing public debt.

Rating, Dangong downgrades France

After theItaly, France. The Chinese rating agency Dangong has announced that it has downgraded its rating of the transalpine country from "A+" to "Aa-“. The evaluation institution justified its choice by recalling the weakness of the French economy and deterioration of its international competitiveness. Even the debt, of increasingly dubious sustainability, worries Dangong.

The Chinese agency was the first to review its judgment on France. In recent weeks, even the American rating agencies, (S&P, Fitch e Moody's) had threatened to remove the triple A from Sarkozy's country. But the words were not followed by actual changes.
