
Civita Report: Culture, sustainability and business together to give more strength to the fight against climate change

The latest Report of Civita Cultura records an improvement in the activities of companies towards environmental issues. Companies that grapple with global issues gain in reputation.

Civita Report: Culture, sustainability and business together to give more strength to the fight against climate change

Museums around the world host environmental events and are a virtuous example to help achieve climate neutrality goals. Who would have thought, maybe just thought, ten years ago. Artists are generally suspicious. Creativity is an end in itself, it does not look to other fields until the creation of the work. According to Relationship of Civita Culture, presented in Naples at Intesa Sanpaolo's Gallerie d'Italia, art now walks together with business and sustainability. A dialogue for three voices that opens up to interesting developments. The reasons ? On the one hand we analyze the role that culture plays into corporate sustainability practices. On the other hand, there is the contribution offered by museums for the large-scale diffusion of an ecological culture. This synthesis has been tested in the field by Civita because, to draw up the 12th Report, a questionnaire was submitted to a sample of companies to find out the areas in which the practices of sustainability “extra-environmental”. The result has been that in recent years entrepreneurs have been involved 93% in social areas, 84% in the field of training, 79% in culture.

Sustainability culture and actions for six areas

Attention to the environment involved six areas: support to museums, cultural organizations, third sector bodies; projects for social inclusion; local development projects, energy infrastructure projects; dissemination of scientific and technological culture; organization of cultural events, exhibitions, conferences; employee training or awareness. In 80% of cases the initiatives were carried out in partnership with organizations outside the business world, local communities and third sector entities. But if museums are transformed into places open with spaces dedicated to the battle against climate change, the developments of these partnerships need to be analyzed in depth. Where to start from? From the way of understanding. From how companies and places of art meet to transmit messages that have become global. Di examples there are, of course. "Looking forward, even museums and cultural organizations in general must abandon the self-referential attitude" - reads the Report. “They must rethink their own sustainability model, aiming to build or consolidate meaningful and lasting relationships with potential stakeholders”. In practice, they must seize or create opportunities to communicate the cultural, social and economic value generated by their activities to the outside world. It is a key point for growing in responsibility for the struggles for a new economic system.

Partnership with companies is the new frontier

In the past there was patronage. That historical phenomenon must be read in a modern key, it must convert to active partnership with companies. Entrepreneurs in this way will no longer be considered as subjects to whom only financial support can be asked, "but realities with which to co-plan initiatives of cultural and social impact". Compared to the surveys carried out in the past, Civita Cultura has found an evolution in the commitment of companies towards more responsible and strategic approaches. Being sustainable is an essential factor for a company that wants to preside over the market in a stable and lasting way. Companies gain in image and reputation. But they also benefit from the creation or strengthening of contacts and relationships in the territories (52%), from product visibility (28%) and to a small extent from the change in sales (9%). This last data must make us think in order not to retreat from global objectives that need culture and knowledge. However, in the company from the of quick communication and the Metaverse expect everything. Above all, when a work of art, an exhibition, a cultural meeting increases the turnover of those who support it.
