
Rai 2025 fee, no discounts: back to 90 euros. The government goes under: in the background the clash between Lega and FI. Here's why

The government majority is split over the reduction of the Rai license fee, which remains anchored to 90 euros (instead of going down to 70 as proposed by the League). FI votes with the opposition. In the background, the opposition between Salvini and Tajani. Meloni: "A stumble that benefits no one"

Rai 2025 fee, no discounts: back to 90 euros. The government goes under: in the background the clash between Lega and FI. Here's why

The majority is divided on the cut of Rai license fee (which remains anchored to the 90 €) during the examination of the tax decree which will arrive in the Senate tomorrow. On the one hand, the Alloy. On the other Forza Italy. So much so as to induce analysts and political commentators to draw a plastic contrast between Matteo Salvini e Antonio Tajani and to define them as "distinct and distant". Yet they are both ministers of the Meloni government and as such they make up the majority.

What happened, however, sparked reactions and controversies: the amendment of the League on the Rai license fee which proposed the return to 70 € was failed in commission with 12 no e 10 votes in favor. The problem, however, materialized when it became clear that Forza Italia, which for days had been asking for the withdrawal of the Lega proposal, had also voted with the opposition.

Prime Minister Meloni's immediate appeal to the centre-right: "The majority's stumble on the issue of cutting the Rai license fee does not benefit anyone“, we read in a note in which sources from Palazzo Chigi recall how the government's priority in the maneuver is the commitment to “support families and businesses, always operating within a framework of credibility and seriousness”. And again, Meloni, responding to journalists, said: “They are skirmishes, I don't see anything particularly serious about it."

And while the opposition thunders and from Pd Secretary Elly Schlein speaks of a "shattered majority", precisely from FI is Tajani to cut short those who asked him whether, at this point, a new parliamentary summit is necessary following such an "incident": "But what incident, it's an amendment... A state affair is being made over an amendment...".
