
Rai, the Board approves the Gubitosi plan

The director general: “We have at least six television mastheads: they will become two, which will merge into a single newsroom. The model is the historic BBC” – Renzi closes the Rai Way case: “51% must remain with the state. Point".

Rai, the Board approves the Gubitosi plan

Il Board of Rai approves the reorganization plan signed by the general manager Luigi Gubitosi. Another board meeting will take place in the afternoon, this time of the subsidiary Rai Way, which will have to discuss theTakeover bid launched yesterday by Mediaset through EI Towers. But Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has already clarified: 51% of the company that manages the towers must remain in public hands. 

“We will arrive at a single editorial team – he explained Gubitosi –. We'll make a transition, first, by splitting our current titles in two. Today we have at least six television: they will become two, which will merge into a single newsroom. The model is that of the historic BBC, but in reality it is a model to which all the operators are converging to a certain extent. After 35 years, change is finally possible. An invisible but historic wall falls. And change the information. We think it will be better, more up-to-date and bring us back to an international standard adopted by all other broadcasters”.

According to the general manager, the reorganization “is a great simplification that will allow us to do even more things, to give greater quality and service to our users. Three years after implementation, the company estimates it can save $70 million a year with the plan itself." As for the impact on employment, Gubitosi said that "there will be better use of journalists and all the other personnel".

Meanwhile, an extraordinary Board of Rai Way he was summoned for 17 pm. “The government has set some rules on Rai Way that it does not intend to change, which are the 51% rules. Point – he said today Renzi in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi -. For me the discussion ended here. I think you will have to get used to taking market operations for what they are: not political operations, but market operations". 

Last night the Government he recalled in a note that, "also considering the strategic importance of the network infrastructures, a decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of 2 September 2014 established that Rai would maintain a stake in the capital of no less than 51 per cent" of the subsidiary company. 

“The public offer for Rai Way – reads the text released by the Ministry of Economic Development – ​​confirms the market's appreciation of the choice made at the time by the Government to enhance the company of Rai towers by getting it out of the stagnation in which it was confined. The listing on the Stock Exchange proved to be a success”.
