
Sunday story on FIRST Arte: "The son of the wind" by Bonalumi

On FIRST Arte, in addition to Sunday's Tale, the menu also includes the usual roundup of news from the world of art and culture: from international exhibitions to the most important auctions.

Sunday story on FIRST Arte: "The son of the wind" by Bonalumi

Back to top FIRST Art, the FIRSTonline magazine entirely dedicated to the world of art and culture, like Sunday's Tale every weekend. This time the chosen author is the 60-year-old Florentine Pippo Bonalumi, who tells with the clarity of a fairy tale a peasant Tuscany that really is a bit magical, with its simple but out of the ordinary characters, where every event is worthy of being narrated with the legendary dignity of bucolic compositions. The title of the story is "The Son of Achilles".

Marika Lion instead tells us about the auction for the double portrait of David Hockney “Henry Geldzahler and Christopher Scott”. In 1969, the work was unveiled in Hockney's solo show at the André Emmerich Gallery, where it was described as “truly amazing” and “totally mesmerizing” from New York Magazine (J. Gruen, “Open Window,” New York Magazine, May 12, 1969, page 57). To find out all the other news, all you have to do is go to the FIRST Arte website.
