
Milk quotas, Italy under investigation by the EU

Brussels is targeting the six-month extension that arrived last year for producers who are late with payments – For Europe, it would be "state aid".

Milk quotas, Italy under investigation by the EU

From Brussels another investigation against Italy. According to what can be read today in the Official Journal of the European Union, the EU Commission will launch a official infringement procedure against our country, guilty of having granted an extension to producers who are late with the payment of the "milk quotas", who benefited from another six months (as of June 20, 2011) to comply with the installments of the fines.

The measure is considered by Europe to be on a par with state aid, which is incompatible with the relevant rules set out in the European treaties. Italy now has one month to clarify the matter with the Commission and prevent the infringement procedure from continuing its course up to the sanction. The provision of the Italian government had been included in last year's milleproroghe decree, voted with a lot of confidence at the end of a session tormented by controversy.
