
Quota 100 but for a few: here's who will be able to retire

The general rules on the 100 quota now seem to be certain – 7 billion will be available in the maneuver, but the limits set for access are very stringent – ​​Here is the news

Quota 100 but for a few: here's who will be able to retire

Talking about overcoming the Fornero law on pensions, at present, seems a bit of an exaggeration. What is certain is that the risk of disappointment for those who thought they could take advantage of the 100 quota to retire should not be underestimated.

More will be known when we have the text of the 2019 Budget Maneuver at hand, but based on the indications provided by the Update Note of the Def, the audience of beneficiaries will be very limited.


As expected, they will be seven billion that the Lega-M5s government will make available of those who intend to retire earlier, bypassing the rules established by the Fornero reform. A figure that will need more technical clarifications, but which will certainly not be enough to cover the lowering of the contribution requirement to 41 years of contributions from the 43 years and 3 months required from January 2019. To do this too, at least another 5 would be needed billion. The year.

After all, the Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, also admitted it: “I'm not retiring everyone next year, the final goal is 41”, but this goal will probably have to wait until 2020.


Although we will have to wait a little longer for the details, the general picture has already been drawn. From next year, to take advantage of the 100 quota and retire earlier than provided for by the Fornero law, they will be necessary 38 years of paid contributions and aged 62 or over.

The rules will apply to both men and women, but be careful, the stake of 38 years will be unsurpassed, although the imputed contributions will also be counted, such as compensated unemployment, periods of wage integration, solidarity and mobility contracts.

Those who do not have the necessary years of contributions, but perhaps have a higher age, will not be able to take advantage of the new opportunity granted by the Government. Those who are 63 years old will be able to retire early with the "quota 101" which becomes "102" for those who are 64, etc. But anyone who is 63 and 37 years of contributions, or 64 and 36, for example, will have to resign.

The good news is that whoever will retire with the 100 will not suffer any penalty: the check will therefore not be subject to cuts.


We will have to wait for the budget law to find out exactly how many people will be able to retire early with the 100 quota. What is certain is that the audience could be quite small, it is about 370 thousand people. Minister Salvini himself speaks of a number of departures between 350 and 400 thousand Italians. This audience will certainly include around 25.000 doctors of the national health service, according to the calculations of the Anaao (the largest union of hospital doctors) but several exits are also expected in the school and university sector. In the private sector, however, the "slide" will not make large numbers. Far from it. In fact, the CGIL fears that the new measure will put 40.000 "precocious" and "weary" workers in serious difficulty, who enjoyed the more favorable rules introduced by the Gentiloni government.

All the others, including those with a contribution requirement of 41 years, will be forced to wait longer.

According to the first simulations, the lion's share of the beneficiaries will be public employees – teachers, workers of local and ministerial bodies, but also hospital doctors. – which could represent around 40% of the “new” retirees.


We remind you that, on a general level, starting from 1 January 2019, the age necessary to access the old-age pension will rise to 67, while the age valid for taking advantage of the social allowance will go from 65 years and eight months to 67 years .

Anyone wishing to take early retirement (without the 100 quota) must have at least 43 years and three months of contributions (men) or 42 years and three months (women).

On the table of the Government the hypothesis of blocking the "release" established by the Fornero law, stopping the seniority of contributions at 42 years and 10 months for men, 41 and 10 months for women.

