
QUIRINALE - Renzi displaces Berlusconi with Mattarella's candidacy: two votes today

QUIRINALE - With the candidacy of Sergio Mattarella for the Presidency of the Republic, Matteo Renzi regroups the Democratic Party and displaces Berlusconi who complains about the violation of the agreements but is also contested in the center-right - Alfano distances himself: "Berlusconi has no right to speak on behalf of everyone and the Government does not touch itself” – Two votes today

QUIRINALE - Renzi displaces Berlusconi with Mattarella's candidacy: two votes today

“It wasn't us who didn't respect the agreements but it was Renzi who didn't respect them. Nothing on the person, but we will not vote for Sergio Mattarella even after the fourth vote": the speaker is a furious Silvio Berlusconi, contested in the center-right and displaced by Matteo Renzi's move who, by running Mattarella for the Presidency of the Republic, reunited the Democratic Party and can hope to win the battle for Colle in the fourth vote with the support of Civic Choice, the Democratic Center of Tabacci and Sel, snipers permitting.

Berlusconi threatens revenge on the constitutional reforms and on the Government but it is Angelino Alfano, the secretary of the Ncd who is also critical of Mattarella's candidacy, who immediately stops him: "Come on Italy and President Berlusconi are entitled to speak of the Pact of the Nazarene but not of the pact of government to which they are foreign and which we confirm". And Fitto rises up in Forza Italia and grudgingly asks for the elimination of all the party's leadership after the collapse of the Colle strategy. 

In the meantime, Renzi is going his own way and hopes to bring Mattarella (“He is our only candidate”) to the Quirinale from tomorrow, when the quorum for the election of the new President will drop and a simple majority of 505 votes will suffice.

Yesterday's first vote did not, as expected, reach the quorum and no surprises should come from the second and third votes scheduled for today in Montecitorio.
