
QUIRINALE – Today Mattarella is sworn in Parliament: a short speech to mend Italy

QUIRINALE - The new President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, is sworn in Parliament this morning, where he will address a brief speech to the Chambers whose leitmotif will be that of the unity of Italy, which must be mended both politically and socially, but also reformed - All leaders are invited to the ceremony at the Quirinale: Berlusconì will be there, Grillo will not

QUIRINALE – Today Mattarella is sworn in Parliament: a short speech to mend Italy

"Match up Italy" both on the political and civil level and on the economic and social level. Sew Italy together by reforming it and looking at both the hopes of citizens and their difficulties. This will be the guiding thread of the speech by the new President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of his oath in front of Parliament.

It will be a deliberately short and dry speech, as is the sober style of the new Head of State, but full of content and open to the future and to Europe.

It will act as a very significant corollary to Mattarella's call for unity, the ceremony which will take place after the oath at the Quirinale and in which, in front of the highest offices of the state, all the political leaders have been invited, both those who voted for it and others. In addition to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the leaders of the government majority, Silvio Berlusconi and Beppe Grillo were also invited.

Berlusconi, to which the Court of Milan granted yesterday a 45-day penalty discount, there will be and this already seemed to be an act of reconciliation promoted by the new President. However, there won't be Beppe Grillo, who does not like to get confused with other politicians, but who thanked Mattarella by asking him for a separate meeting.
