
QUIRINALE – Two unsuccessful votes and tomorrow is the day of truth for Mattarella

QUIRINALE - Two black smokes for the election of the new President of the Republic - The music will change tomorrow, when the quorum is lowered and 505 votes will be enough to elect the new Head of State - On paper Mattarella can count on 586 votes thanks to the support of Pd , SC, Democratic Center and Sel but there is the unknown factor of snipers

QUIRINALE – Two unsuccessful votes and tomorrow is the day of truth for Mattarella

Two black smokes, largely predictable, in Deputies for the election of the new Head of State. Both the second and third ballots were unsuccessful. But from tomorrow the music changes, because from the fourth ballot the quorum for the election of the President of the Republic is lowered and 505 votes.

It will be the hour of truth for Sergio Mattarella, who on paper has 586 votes, thanks to the solid support of the Democratic Party to which is added that of Civic Choice, the Democratic Center of Tabacci, Sel and the former grillini. Naturally, the unknown factor remains for the snipers.

But Matteo Renzi, who launched Mattarella's candidacy, still hopes to widen the consensus by recovering at least a part of the votes of Angelino Alfano's New centre-right, who has disengaged from the government pact to flatten on Silvio Berlusconi, in turn contested at the inside Forza Italia for the bankruptcy negotiations with the Premier.

The fourth vote will be decisive: either Mattarella takes off immediately or we face unpredictable scenarios, but the forecasts on the eve point to white smoke. 
