
Quirinale, Berlusconi renounces: "Draghi remains prime minister"

The leader of Forza Italia gives up after a long afternoon and the postponement of the centre-right summit which he does not attend. The message entrusted to Licia Ronzulli but there is no agreement on the final statement

Quirinale, Berlusconi renounces: "Draghi remains prime minister"

Silvio Berlusconi renounces his candidacy for the election of the President of the Republic. The leader of Forza Italia takes a step back, motivating him with the search for the unity of the country. The center-right summit begins late on Saturday evening, after a long afternoon and various postponements, and opens without the presence of Berlusconi who makes people talk Licia Ronzulli. It is she who announces to the allies the message sent by the force leader in which she thanks those who supported him but also clarifies that she has decided not to run despite having verified the existence of consensus for her run at the Quirinale.

This is the key passage of Silvio Berlusconi's message: "

I have decided to take another step on the road to national responsibility, asking those who have proposed it to refrain from indicating my name for the Presidency of the Republic.

I will continue to serve my country in another way, as I have done in recent years, as a political leader and as a Member of the European Parliament, avoiding that controversy or lacerations are consumed around my name that find no justifications that the nation cannot afford today. From today we will therefore work with the leaders of the centre-right - which represents the majority in the country and which bears the burden of the proposal - to agree on a name capable of garnering a broad consensus in Parliament.

Message from the former prime minister to the leaders of the centre-right

"The line of Forza Italia - said the blue coordinator Antonio Tajani in the meeting - is that Mario Draghi does not go to the Quirinale, he remains in Palazzo Chigi, where he is immovable, and that there should be neither reshuffles nor new entries in the government ”.

The centre-right, however, appears to be anything but united. And the Zoom summit with Meloni, Salvini and, for Forza Italia, Ronzulli and Tajani, is interrupted in the evening: there is no agreement on the duration of the government and Giorgia Meloni would be against indicating in the final statement, a reference to completing the legislature .

Probably therefore it is not on Saturday evening that names will emerge from the centre-right or from the other political alignments. The situation is moving, the first moves will be seen after the opening of the session for the election of the President of the Republic in Parliament, on Monday 24 January at 15 pm.
