
“What else”: guide to meaningless words

A volume by Claudio Nutrito guides us into the intricate world of "rescue expressions", those little formulas that no longer mean anything, but which serve to keep talking even when you have nothing to say - "Sensitivity, solidarity and sustainability", for example, they are only cover images – the complete list is far from short.

“What else”: guide to meaningless words

There are words that mean nothing, or almost. Formula expressions, such as those with which the Greek aedi filled the holes in the memory before the invention of writing, empty of meaning, but full only of an evocative potential that remains at the liminal stage: of pure evocation, in fact. Journalism is full of them, and also politics.

Collecting all these expressions, called "rescue" expressions, is a slim volume written by Claudio Nutrito and published by Novecento editore, significantly entitled "Quant'altro". Because precisely "quant'altro", together with its counterparts, is one of the leaders of this new oral tradition: those of the words spoken when one has nothing to say, but wants to say it anyway. 

Armor-words, or shields, behind which to hide the void. "Clothes under which to hide nothing", as written by Paolo Di Stefano in today's Corriere della Sera. Vague and vague expressions, especially good for eliciting applause, more or less convinced, at a talk show or at a rally, or among friends.

“Quant'altro” is almost a guide, tinged with subtle cynicism and profound satire, for recognizing and using these expressions. In addition to the eponymous formula, which serves to cut short when you have to list something, but, at the same time, suggest that you know a lot about the subject, the crowd is large.

There are "sensitivity", "solidarity" and "sustainability", for example, which by now, rather than having a real meaning, are just the cover image of the Good Samaritan, the badge of the conscious and conscientious man. Or "monitoring", or "zero kilometer", or, better still, "on a human scale", as are certain clothes, certain laws and certain cities (often foreign, if not provincial). Some words, on the other hand, are less and less so.
