
What dignity: the long journey of an idea (book)

A book by Cosimo Marco Mazzoni (Olschki editions) which analyzes the historical, philosophical and epistemological path, limiting myself to the consideration of the honorability of human life.

What dignity: the long journey of an idea (book)

Who, nowadays, should have the idea of ​​trying to question himself around a praised and mocked word, such as the one that the ancient lexicon has in
common with the contemporary one, one would find himself speaking of dignity with an uncertain and perhaps doubtful spirit, rather than doing an idle work
. However, it is
precisely its ever-renewed modernity, so immense as to become
an almost daily fashion of current speech, increased by the continuous proclamations contained in almost all European laws, to force us to retrace his long expressive path. So let's try in these pages to describe the forms of use of the term and its phenomenology with a critical spirit, extending the somewhat skeptical analysis of the different conceptions of the word. “From that debate I will try to extract some notions, and I hope perhaps its historical, philosophical and epistemological course, limiting myself to the consideration of the honorability of human life, and therefore omitting other meanings that concern things, or activities, or institutions; or animals, territory, landscape, nature in short, if not in a brief reasoning at the end.”

The meaning of the term 'dignity' is uncertain or perhaps too extensive. It has often taken on the generic sense of honorable human life. All the modern constitutions refer to its value. But its abuse in everyday language has turned it into a trite cliché.

Cosimo Marco Mazzoni, jurist, has taught and carried out research in various Italian universities, especially Siena, and abroad, especially in France and the United States. He was Humboldt-Stipendiat at the University of Tübingen. In recent years he has dealt with legal aspects related to biotechnologies and bioethics. In addition to books and essays from the traditional civil law repertoire, he has written or edited the volumes: A legal norm for bioethics, (1998), transl. English A Legal Framework for Bioethics (1998), A European framework for bioethics (1998), Ethics and Law in Biological Research (2002), For a statute of the body (2008), Psyche or the shape of the body (2013), The physical person (2016), The gift is the drama (2016).
Legal environment. Vol 1 book
