
Quadrennial Rome: board of directors installed, Bernabé honorary president

The new Board of Directors, appointed last August by the MiBAC, makes its debut: the president is Umberto Croppi.

Quadrennial Rome: board of directors installed, Bernabé honorary president

The new Board of Directors of the La Quadriennale di Roma Foundation has taken office, the cultural institution for Italian art linked to the historic exhibition of the Quadriennale d'Arte, participated by the State through the MiBACT, the Lazio Region and Rome Capital. With the presidency of Umberto Croppi - appointed last August 7 by the MiBAC - and the participation of members Fabio Mongelli and Lorenzo Micheli Gigotti, respectively representing the MiBACT and the Lazio Region, the body resolved the election of Franco Bernabè as honorary president, former chairman of the previous Board of Directors.

“I am grateful to Franco Bernabè for accepting the position. It is a dutiful acknowledgment of the work of relaunching the Institution carried out during his mandate and a declaration of the will to ensure continuity of the action undertaken, also in view of the demanding deadline of the next Art Quadrennial, foreseen by the 1st October 2020 at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, curated by Sarah Cosulich and Stefano Collicelli Cagol”, declared the new president Croppi.
