
Public transport strike: Black Monday throughout Italy, here are guaranteed times and slots

September 18th, black day for urban transport. The 24-hour strike organized by various trade unions, after the stop already announced in Rome, will bring disruption and problems to the main Italian cities. Here are those interested and all the information on times, methods and guaranteed slots

Public transport strike: Black Monday throughout Italy, here are guaranteed times and slots

Black Monday for public transport in several Italian cities following one national strike of 24 hours, organized by various unions such as Cub Trasporti, SGB, Cobas Private Work, ADL Cobas and Faisa Confail.

The main demands of the workers, at the basis of the protest, are a salary increase of 300 euros and an rreduction of working hours to 35 hours per week.

In addition to what has already been announced strike in Rome, the other cities affected by the disruptions are: Milan, Naples, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza, Genoa, Lecce and Venice.


A Milan, the strike will involve buses, trams and trains of the five metropolitan lines managed by ATM. The agitation will have effective from 8am to 45pm e after 18, with a guaranteed time slot from 15pm to 18pm. During the day, the employees of the Autoguidovie bus company in Lombardy who are affiliated with Osr Faisa-Cisal will be on strike for 24 hours, with the participation of the Movibus drivers in San Vittore Olona .


A Napoli, the strike involves Eav and Anm workers. As for the surface lines, the service is guaranteed from 5:30 to 8:30 and from 17: 00 to 20: 00, with the last departures scheduled thirty minutes before the start of the strike and the resumption of service scheduled half an hour after the end of the strike. For them funiculars, the last morning ride is guaranteed at 9am, and the service resumes between 20pm and 17pm.


In Turin, the workers of the Turin Transport Group (GTT) will cross their arms. Urban-suburban services, metro, customer service centers will be guaranteed from 6 9 to and from the 12 15; that suburban and bus service replacement sfmA railway Turin-Airport-Germagnano-Ceres from start of service at 8am and from 14.30pm to 17.30pm; The rail service sfm1 – Rivarolo-Chieri from 6am to 9am and from 18pm to 21pm.


A Florence, the bus of Autolinee Toscane could suffer delays or cancellations of trips in the urban and extra-urban service due to the adhesion of Cobas Lavoro Privato to the national strike of workers in the road, rail and tram sector. At, the company responsible for transport, announced that the post-sales service will be guaranteed in two time slots: between 4am and 15am and between 8pm and 14pm. Also for the tramway, managed by Gest, disruptions may occur outside the service guarantee periods, which are from 6am to 30am and from 9pm to 30pm. The strike will involve both traveling staff and employees, including those at ticket offices.


A Bologna will Only urban transport runs are guaranteed, suburban and extra-urban from the central terminus towards the suburbs and vice versa, with departure times up to 8 in the morning and up to 15 in the evening. The strike also involves the staff dedicated to the "Marconi Express", whose service may not be guaranteed for the whole day due to the workers' abstention.


A GenoVa, regarding the service of urban transport, will be active from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 17:30 to 20:30. For the service of provincial transport, the guaranteed hours will be from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00. For the Genoa Casella railway, the service will be guaranteed in two time slots: from 6 am to 30 am and from 9 pm to 30 pm.


A Venice, the strike could affect navigation, car, tram and People Mover services (with the exception of those guaranteed in the event of a strike), as well as the Venezia Unica ticket offices, the Avm Ztl Auto office in Mestre and car parks in structures such as the Autorimessa of Piazzale Roma, Park Sant'Andrea, Park Candiani and Park Costa.

Modena, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia

La Emilian Bus Transport Company (Seta) communicated that its workers have too joined the national strike and to that proclaimed by the regional secretariat of the ORSA Trasporti trade union organisation.

A Modena i urban services in the capitals of Modena, Carpi and Sassuolo they will be guaranteed from 6 to 30 and from 8 to 30, while the extra-urban service will be guaranteed from 12 to 00 and from 16 to 00: 6.

A Piacenza il urban service it will be guaranteed from 7:00 to 10:00 and from 12:00 to 15:00, with trips departing from the terminus guaranteed from 6:46 to 9:45 and from 11:46 to 14:45. The extra-urban service it will be guaranteed until 8am and from 30pm to 12pm, with trips departing from the terminus guaranteed until 00am and from 15am to 00pm.

A Reggio Emilia, there may be absences from work from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 until the end of the service.


The staff of the Sgm of Lecce will strike for three hours, from 9 to 30.

The reasons for the strike

“The wages of local public transport workers – we read in a note signed by the acronyms – are the lowest in Europe. Working conditions worsen and the health and safety protections of those employed to guarantee the service are reduced, while responsibilities and risks increase for the latter. Meanwhile, inflation is growing and prices are rising, especially of basic necessities."
