Hot weeks for the public administration. In the coming days, the budget maneuver will arrive in the Senate, and that of the PA will certainly be among the most discussed topics. The Chambers will find themselves discussing the renewal of state contracts, blocked for eight years but imposed by the Constitutional Court in July 2015 and confirmed by the government-union agreement of November 2016.
The public sector will receive a super funding of 1,7 billion euros from the budget law. The figure, if added to the revenues from the last two finance companies, reaches 2,85 billion. Despite this, however, Regions and local authorities will be called upon to find a similar sum in their budgets for their own and health employees.
From 2010 to today, the average salary in schools has lost 12,4% of its purchasing power, that of university professors by 11,8%. In the same period, the payroll in the independent authorities grew by 7,6%, while in the public bodies it increased by 7%. This is the figure that emerges from the censuses of Aran, the agency that represents public administrations in national collective bargaining.
The long-awaited renewal of contracts therefore comes after eight years in which national contracts and individual salaries were blocked. Wanting to exclude Palazzo Chigi, which remains in first place in the ranking of the "jobs" where one earns the best within the public sector, those receiving the highest salaries are: magistrates, senior managers of the National Economic Council and Labour, and the executives of independent Authorities (Antitrust, Privacy, Energy and so on) and of non-economic public bodies.
Remaining in the noble positions of this ranking, we surprisingly find leaders of the police, firefighters and armed forces.
However, one figure is alarming: in ordinary Italy the average salary of Regions and local authorities stops at 29.057 gross euros per year, where Autonomy is "special" even the pay slip becomes special: 35.345 euros, i.e. on the 21,6st, XNUMX% more.
The school is the most penalized sector within the public administration. This is the largest sector within the PA, the most affected by the anti-crisis measures. However, the fate of this instrument also intersects with the contractual renewal: in schools, the rewriting of national agreements costs 1,6 billion, and the search for resources looks in all directions, including the bonus and the 200 million to be distributed on the basis of the " merit". At school, the first step is also expected which will bring the salaries of principals closer to those of other public managers, with an increase that should reach 2020 euros by 400 and which makes teachers turn up their noses.