
Advertising, the web outclasses the market

With regard to individual media, TV grew by 4% in December, closing the year at +5,4%. The press is still negative: newspapers and magazines in the single month amount respectively to -8,4% and -9,3%, falling in 2016 by 6,7% and 4% - Online advertising gains 2016% in 7,5 %.

The advertising investment market closed 2016 with a growth of 1,7% compared to 2015. In the single month of December, revenues grew by 1,2%. This was noted by Nielsen, specifying that if the estimate on the portion of the web currently not monitored (mainly search and social) were also added, the market would close December at +3% and the consolidated period would grow by 3,4%, as expected. With regard to individual media, TV grew by 4% in December, closing the year at +5,4%. The press continues to be negative: newspapers and magazines in the single month amount respectively to -8,4% and -9,3%, decreasing in 2016 by 6,7% and 4%.

The radio confirms the positive trend: the growth in December (+15%) brings total revenue for the year to +2,3%. The increase in the internet is mainly due to search and social networks, based on estimates made by Nielsen. As regards the perimeter currently monitored in detail, in fact, the web dropped by 2,3% in the cumulative period and by 1,2% in the single month of December. If we extend the scope to the entire web advertising universe, 2016 revenues close at +7,5%. Cinema performed well in December and in the 12 months (+6,9%).
