
Croatian Prosek: no by Coldiretti, it is a successful attack on Made in Italy

The success of Prosecco which has achieved an 8% increase in bottles exported to the world in the first quarter of 2021 - Coldiretti denounces - entices counterfeiters with imitations spread across all continents. The fake Made in Italy food sector causes serious damage to the Italian economy, worth 100 billion in the world

Croatian Prosek: no by Coldiretti, it is a successful attack on Made in Italy

The request made by the Zagreb authorities to the services of the EU Commission for the publication in the Official Gazette of the procedure for the recognition of the traditional Mention to the Croatian Prosek arouses the protests of Coldiretti. Croatian Prosek – denounces the organization – is an attack on Made in Italy and on the national Prosecco which is the most exported wine in the world but also the most imitated. A decision that risks weakening the EU itself in international relations and in the negotiations for exchange agreements where it is necessary to protect the prosecco denomination from fakes as in Argentina and Australia.

The success of Prosecco which has achieved an 8% increase in bottles exported to the world in the first quarter of 2021 - adds Coldiretti - entices counterfeiters with imitations spread across all continents from Meer-secco to Kressecco, from Semi-secco and al Consecco, but the sale of Whitesecco and Crisecco was also unmasked by Coldiretti. The false Made in Italy food - concludes Coldiretti - is worth 100 billion in the world where 2 out of three products that recall Italy actually have nothing to do with the national productive and employment fabric.
