
Professionals: the top 10 of those who earn the most

Notaries lead the ranking with a stellar gap on the second position – The last in the ranking, however, are also those who can boast the best income growth rate from one year to the next.

Professionals: the top 10 of those who earn the most

The richest are still the same, and compared to the past they are even richer. Among the Italian professionals, according to the photograph of the sector studies taken by the Treasury's Finance Department, i note lead the ranking of earnings: in 2015, on average, they brought home 217.800 euros, a good 16.540 euros more than in 2014.

In second position, but at an abysmal distance from the notaries, there are i doctors, who declared average incomes of 64.900 euros, an increase of 1.190 euros compared to the previous year.

The bronze medal goes to dentists with 50.400 euros (+1.320 compared to 2014) and the wooden one at accountants, accountants and labor consultants with 48.900 euros (+1.590). They close the top-5 lawyers, which in 2015 collected an average of 40.400 euros, 3.460 more than a year earlier.

Follow the industrial experts (32.700 euros, +1.160 on 2014), the engineering studies (32.800 euros, +1.940) and clinical testing laboratories (29.800 euros, up by 2.250 euros).

The ninth position is occupied by auditors, experts and consultants with 28.800 euros (+1.630 on the year), while the last box of the top-10 belongs to agronomists, which with their average 28.200 euros and their increase of 3.600 euros can boast the highest percentage of growth between 2014 and 2015 (+14,6%).
