The privatization of state Railways is the main objective of the Renzi government's plan for total or partial divestitures in 2016. However, the path is not easy because the government has yet to find the right formula to combine the sale of 40% of the FS with the will to keep the railway network in public hands.
But in addition to the railways, where Renzi and Padoan hope to replicate the success of the privatization of the Italian postal services, there is much more on the government's agenda, even if in the press conference at the end of the year the prime minister stressed that the public stake in a strategic asset such as Eni.
Among the privatizations in the pipeline is the retail business of Great Stations, a subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato with a value of around 800 million. Then there is theEnav, which should be listed on the Stock Exchange within the first half of 2016.
The Treasury is also considering transferring its share (12,5%) to Cassa Depositi e Prestiti St Microelectronics which is worth about 700 million.
Finally, in the list of possible privatizations in 2016 there are 12,5% of Italian Investment Fund , Sace. The Treasury plans to sell its stake in the Italian Investment Fund directly to the CDP, while the sale of Sace, which has been mentioned several times, remains to be defined.