“Tomorrow there will be the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers which will start the planned privatization process. For the post office, we start with 40%, then we'll see”. Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos. The CDM summit at Palazzo Chigi has not yet been convened, but should be held tomorrow afternoon.
In addition to the privatizations, tomorrow the green light should also arrive for the postponement of the terms for the payment of Inail premiums in self-payment for the current year (from 16 February to 16 May). The rule on the tax wedge contained in the stability law provides for a cut in Inail contributions of 1 billion this year, 1,1 in 2015 and 1,2 in 2016.
Saccomanni will also present the provision to repeal the paragraph of the stability law that triggers tax deductions. The solution will be identified in the context of the fiscal delegation and the 488 million missing from the appeal for 2014 will be compensated by increasing the objectives of the spending review. The same provision could also include the new rules for the voluntary repatriation of capital from abroad.