
First yes of the Senate: false accounting returns

Approved with a narrow majority (the vote was secret) article 8 of the anti-corruption bill, which restores the crime decriminalized during the Berlusconi government - Penalties of up to 8 years for banks and listed companies - Final vote this afternoon.

First green light for the bill on corruption. Article 8, the one relating to false accounting, was approved by secret vote in the Senate with 124 in favor out of a majority of 121, against 74 against and 43 abstentions (but there have been controversies from the M5S on the so-called "pianists"). The crime decriminalized during the Berlusconi government is therefore reinstated. 

The penalties for companies not present at Piazza Affari will be from 1 to 5 years of imprisonment, while for listed companies, companies that place securities on the market and banks the years of imprisonment will range from 3 to 8. The penalty is instead from six months to three years if the facts are minor, "taking into account the nature and size of the company and the methods or effects of the conduct".

The final vote on the bill will arrive this afternoon. And the uncertainty about the numbers remains, above all because of the secret ballot. 
