
US primaries: Trump's poker, Clinton's en plein

The former First Lady wins hands down in Florida (64,5%), easily takes Ohio (56,4%), North Carolina (54,5%), Illinois (50,5%) and just a little Missouri (49,6, 4%) – Even the tycoon, among the Republicans, takes home 5 states out of XNUMX: Marco Rubio retires.

US primaries: Trump's poker, Clinton's en plein

Almost definitive verdicts from American primaries. Republican Donald Trump triumphs in Florida with 46%, destroying the candidacy of Marco Rubio, who announces his withdrawal from the race for the nomination after being deserted by the voters of his state on Mega Tuesday. The tycoon also won the primaries in North Carolina (40%), Illinois (40%) and Missouri (43%), while he was defeated in Ohio by the moderate John Kasich (45 to 37%), governor of that same state.

In the ranks of the Democrats, however, Hillary Clinton wins hands down in Florida (64,5%) and easily takes Ohio (56,4%) and North Carolina (54,5%). The former First Lady also wins, with some heartache, Illinois, the state where she was born and in which she won with only 50,5%. In Missouri it was instead a head-to-head: in the end, Clinton won by less than two thousand votes with 49,6%, against 49,4% for Bernie Sanders. Overall, with more than double the delegates, Clinton increases her lead over her rival.
