US press, everyone is crazy about Mario Monti. Time: "The most important man in Europe"

“Can this man save Europe?”. This is the title of the cover of the prestigious American weekly Time, publishing an interview with Mario Monti, on the day in which the Italian premier meets the US president Barak Obama.

“Daily political life has 'diseducated' the Italians – said Monti -. We must give a sense of meritocracy and competition: I hope to change the way of life of my fellow countrymen".

The prime minister is authoritatively described by the weekly as “a prime minister for desperate times. Monti speaks in dry sentences and without the classic rhetoric of American politicians, as if he were still the economics professor he was up to 4 months ago”. The author of the article, Michael Schuman, defines him in the title: "The most important man in Europe".

Monti's words lead Time even to rehabilitate the figure of Silvio Berlusconi, whose support for the caretaker government "helps to gain ground in his credibility, reputation and authority as a statesman at the international level".

Accompanied by these excellent credentials, the president of Bocconi is arrived in Washington today to meet Obama. Among the topics of discussion between the two leaders, reported the White House, are the overall steps that the Italian government is taking to regain market confidence and to strengthen growth through structural reforms. Talks also include the safety net of the European financial system, security, the Middle East and the forthcoming G8 and NATO summits which will take place in the USA. Meanwhile, even before talking about it orally with the Italian premier, Obama has already recognized its great merits, through an interview in La Stampa: “Italy has made impressive strides with Monti”.

Monti's visit is also arousing the interest and enthusiasm of the US press (previously hostile to Berlusconi), for example through the comment of the New York Times: "For three years, President Barack Obama kept Silvio Berlusconi at arm's length, treating him with icy correctness, but now Italy has a new Prime Minister and Washington welcomes him with open arms". An appreciation also recognized by the Wall Street Journal: "Definite change of course compared to Berlusconi", defined by the economic newspaper as "a playboy with games in bad taste".

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