
Energy efficiency of water resources and integration of renewables, agreement signed between ACEA and GSE

ACEA and GSE have signed an agreement to promote sustainability through energy efficiency measures and integration of renewable sources. The agreement also aims to encourage investments in technological innovation and the reduction of consumption

Energy efficiency of water resources and integration of renewables, agreement signed between ACEA and GSE

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Promote the spread of sustainability in the sectors in which ACEA and the Group companies operate through energy efficiency and integration interventions renewables. This is the objective behind theinstitutional collaboration agreement signed today by ACEA SpA – a leading company in the integrated water service, distribution of electricity, public and artistic lighting, waste treatment and recovery, sale of energy and gas, production of energy mainly from renewable sources – and the Energy Services Manager – GSE SpA – a company of the Ministry of Economy that promotes sustainable development in Italy.  

The agreement also aims to promote the creation of new investments for the promotion of sustainability andtechnological innovation in the development of the infrastructure within the availability of ACEA and the Group companies, enhance existing production assets through energy and water efficiency measures and the integration of renewable sources, thus contributing to the reduction of consumption also through the use of regulated instruments and access to incentive mechanisms managed by the GSE.

The Protocol, effective from the date of its signature, will have the duration of three years.


“The Protocol signed today with the GSE – declared Fabrizio Palermo, CEO and General Manager of ACEA – confirms the Group's commitment to sustainability, already fully integrated into the business model and its activities, as well as accelerating the path towards energy transition. ACEA continues to promote sustainability, circularity and competitiveness, investing in economic and production models to ensure that growth translates into sustainable development”. 

“The signing of this agreement with ACEA will contribute to the development of a circular model in which the prosumer does not limit himself to taking energy, but can also self-produce it, accumulate it, exchange it with the grid or share it with other users – he stated Paolo Arrigoni, President of GSE who continued – The active role of the aware consumer is achieved through energy efficiency and the progressive increase in the use of renewable energy resources, actions that are increasingly necessary also for achieving economic sustainability. Furthermore, through the dedicated assistance and training made available by GSE, it will be possible to finalize investments for the development of innovative projects more quickly and maintain the value of the interventions implemented over time”.



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